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<< 高爾宣 OSN 2023 UK TOUR >>
🔥Tickets go on sale 29 Mar 12 noon local time (GMT)
💣 Date / 日期: 14 Apr (Fri)
💣 City / 城市: Manchester, UK
💣 Venue / 場地: The Yard
💣 Ticket prices / 票價: GBP 58 / 68 / 138 (VIP with Meet & Greet) + fees

持 VIP 票者將享有以下權益:
✅ 粉絲見面合影會: 與高爾宣 OSN 本人會面並一對一合影
✅ 最優先進場(早於 Priority 和 General 票種)
✅ 工作人員將使用 VIP 持票者的手機進行拍攝
✅ 請於合影前將手機設定成內建普通拍照模式(不可使用美顏或其他第三方攝影軟體)

VIP ticket includes:
✅ Exclusive Meet & Greet Event. Meet OSN himself and have one-on-one photos taken.
✅ VIP ticket with the earliest entry time (before General and Priority tickets).
✅ Photos will be taken by a member of staff using VIP's phone.

✅ Please ensure the phone is set to camera mode without filters. Third party photo apps and filters are not allowed.
Admission Times (subject to change) / 演出當天入場時間 (暫定):

18:00 doors for VIP / VIP 入場時間

18:20 VIP Meet & Greet Event starts / 粉絲見面合影會開始

19:20 doors for Priority / Priority 入場時間
19:50 doors for General / General 入場時間
20:30 show starts / 演出開始
21:30 show ends 
/ 演出結束

最強新一代饒舌嘻哈歌手『高爾宣』首次英國巡演,不容錯過!以神曲 "Without You” 和 “Why You Gonna Lie” 締造嘻哈潮流,兩首神曲總累計超過 3 億次線上點播,奠定了如今新一代嘻哈文化在流行音樂裡的地位和市場。他是超高人氣創作怪物,具多元豐富創作能力,受廣大粉絲喜愛,也曾受邀為電影主題曲創作演唱,健康帥氣的外型,更是廣告及各大品牌的首選寵兒。

💚 亞洲新一代最受歡迎饒舌華語歌手
💚 "Without You” 和 “Why You Gonna Lie” 數位平台總累計超過 3 億次點播。
💚 憑藉單曲《 Without You 》獲得Mnet亞洲音樂大獎最佳亞洲新人獎
💚 首張個人專輯《#osnrap》入圍第 31 屆金曲獎最佳新人獎以及最佳年度歌曲

Rapper / hip-hop singer-songwriter OSN is embarking on a tour in the UK for the very first time! At the age of 22, he became one of the most celebrated and well-known name in the Mandarin hip-hop scene across Asia.

His chart topping singles “Without You” and “Why You Gonna Lie” have received wide-spread critical acclaims. “Without You” alone has gathered 62 million plays on Spotify and 80 million on YouTube. To date, OSN’s music has racked up well over 500 million streams across multiple streaming platforms.

Powerful, romantic, charming, offbeat, bass heavy are a few adjectives often associated to OSN’s music. His memorising vocals, catching tunes along with a lovable personality have truly stormed the Mandarin pop music industry. The wait is finally over - OSN is bringing all the love and heartbreak to the stage for the very first time in the UK. Lots of fun guaranteed!


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